Month: November 2011

Book Page Wreath – Part 2 (packaging)

Book Page Wreath – Part 2 (packaging)

I’m still busy making book page ornaments for the upcoming Hope Christmas Market.  Today, however, I spent some time packaging a few up.  We wanted to find some way to protect these small wreaths and make them pretty for gift giving.  This is what seems […]

A Country Living Magazine feature for us!

A Country Living Magazine feature for us!

It’s official … Country Living Magazine will feature one of our original table runner designs in their magazine.   Having seen our grain sack style table runner in our etsy shop, we were contacted by the magazine awhile back and asked to send one for […]

Knitting and Thoughts on Jonathan

Knitting and Thoughts on Jonathan

I’ve been in a bit of a knitting frenzy lately. Not that I don’t have other things to do (it’s actually a very busy time, getting ready for the Hope Christmas Market) but it’s knitting that I’m drawn to. It’s an activity that I sneak […]

Hope Christmas Craft Market

Hope Christmas Craft Market

Each year, during the first weekend in December, the historic town of Hope, New Jersey, hosts their annual  Christmas Craft Market.  This year marks their 34th year and the dates are December 3rd and 4th.  Over 200 crafters participate in this event.  The crafters are […]

How to Make a Book Page Ornament

How to Make a Book Page Ornament

This past weekend Elizabeth and I had the pleasure of doing two seminars at a Women’s Retreat here in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.  On Friday night we had fun with some of the gals, showing them how to make book page ornaments. For those of you […]