Wheat Grass Centerpieces

Wheat Grass Centerpieces

Debra and I always grow these wheat grass centerpieces around Easter time.


We think they’re adorable with the little bunny peeps nestled inside.

But, they’re also great for a simple, more modern looking centerpiece for your home or for weddings.  They couldn’t be more cost-effective or simple!


Here’s how:


Wheat berry seeds:   We like to purchase our seeds in bulk at a local health food store.  The seeds themselves are very healthy and can be boiled and eaten as a nutritious grain.  Or, many people like to grow and use the greens for juicing.

Container of your choice.  Drainage holes are not necessary.  Just make sure you don’t over water.  Our favorite vessels for this project are baskets fitted with plastic liners, milk glass and rustic square or rectangular wooden boxes (lined with plastic).

Potting soil

Directions:  Fill the container of your choice  3/4 full of potting soil.  Completely cover the top of the soil with seeds.  Place in a sunny location and water daily.  Keep soil moist but don’t over water.  I find that a spray bottle works well.  You should see sprouts in a few days with a lush growth in about 3 to 4 weeks, depending on your sun exposure.  If the grass gets too long, you can simply give your plant a haircut.

The trickiest part of this project is knowing how long it will take for the grass to grow and become full.  If you want to use wheat grass at a particular event I would recommend doing a trial run in advance so you will know how much time is needed for germination and desired growth.

images-1 seattlebridemag.com

For more information, Janet over at Today’s Fabulous Finds has a great tutorial on how to plant the seeds and how to build a rustic planter.  She also has another interesting tutorial on using wet paper towels to plant the seeds rather than soil.  You can check that out here.

Wheat Grass on Spring Mantel_4216

Hope you give this simple yet elegant project a try!


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