Category: Upcycle

DIY Fall Leather Leaf Garland

DIY Fall Leather Leaf Garland

Yesterday, I made this minimal fall banner out of some scraps of leather to decorate my mantle. I was going for an organic vibe, nothing to bright or cutesy. Jack joined me and we managed to turn it into a science lesson / art activity […]

Lavender Sachets

Lavender Sachets

We love to read other blogs for inspiration. One blog that we’ve enjoyed recently is Sutton Place Designs.  Since Debra and I both sew, we’ve paid particular attention to Ann’s beautiful sewing projects.  Her lavender sachets caught our attention. Due to our frequent thrifting excursions, […]

Upcycled Crocheted Coverlet

Upcycled Crocheted Coverlet

My mom made this crocheted coverlet in the 70’s. Over time, parts of it have started to disintegrate but I hated to throw it out  – just too much sentimental value! Rather than having it just sit in my closet, I decided to cut out […]

Upcycled Rug Ottoman

Upcycled Rug Ottoman

I purchased a cute red rag rug (say that three times fast!) at a yard sale a few years ago, thinking I would use it in my son’s room.  Unfortunately, when I washed it, it bled like a stuck pig, turning the fringe from white […]

Organizing Magazines

Organizing Magazines

I have a hard time parting with my magazines and love to keep and look at them for years. The hard part is knowing how to store all of them. Here’s an idea that we came upon by accident.  We had been given about 300 […]

Upcycled Picture Frame Trays

Upcycled Picture Frame Trays

Elizabeth and I are busy, busy, busy  getting ready for the Hope Christmas Craft Market held each year in Hope, NJ, during the first weekend in December. One of my projects has been to upcycle old metal frames into trays and chalkboards.  I  picked several […]

Upcycled Vintage Cold Cream Jars

Upcycled Vintage Cold Cream Jars

I love these little white glass jars.  In their prior lives (1920s – 1950s) cold cream was sold in them.  I  remember my mom always used Ponds cold cream before she discovered Oil of Olay.  It came in a white jar  but with a more […]

Upcycled t-shirt

Upcycled t-shirt

Looking to update your wardrobe but find yourself a little short on cash?  Look no further than your husband’s t-shirt drawer.  No husband?  No problem.  Thrift shops are chock full of cast off t-shirts just waiting for someone to come along and breathe some new […]

Upcycled Ties for Father’s Day

Upcycled Ties for Father’s Day

Turn your unwanted ties into eyeglass cases.   It’s a quick and easy homemade gift for your dad that he’s sure to love. These are two ties that I recently picked up at a local thrift shop.  I love the patterns and textures.  Wide ties […]

Plastic Egg Makeover – Part 2

Plastic Egg Makeover – Part 2

Here’s another idea for upcycling a few of those plastic Easter eggs: As much as I love the vibrant colors in these eggs, I don’t want to use them in my decorating.  If you’ve been following this blog, you can tell that Debra and I […]