Category: Inspirational

A Vintage Hymnal Paper Cross and the 2015 Women’s Retreat

A Vintage Hymnal Paper Cross and the 2015 Women’s Retreat

We are getting ready for the upcoming Women’s Retreat which is held annually at the end of February at the Tuscarora Conference Center in Mount Bethel, Pennsylvania.  Each year we like to create a new focal point for our booth — something that will inspire […]

Gratitude list

Gratitude list

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” – Sara Ban Breathnach As I prepare myself for the crazy, busy season approaching, I’m pausing today to reflect on what […]

Reflections on Christmas

Reflections on Christmas

I love this time between Christmas and New Years – The kids are off school, sleeping in late. The presents are all opened and put away. Concerts are over (four in one week!).  The rush of last minute shopping and wrapping and decorating, done!  Leftovers […]

Knitting and Thoughts on Jonathan

Knitting and Thoughts on Jonathan

I’ve been in a bit of a knitting frenzy lately. Not that I don’t have other things to do (it’s actually a very busy time, getting ready for the Hope Christmas Market) but it’s knitting that I’m drawn to. It’s an activity that I sneak […]