Category: Entertaining

Egg Cups + Wheat Grass = Easy Spring Decor

Egg Cups + Wheat Grass = Easy Spring Decor

I have been picking up these adorable vintage egg cups  throughout the year at yard sales and thrift stores and now have a collection in varying sizes.  I couldn’t envision ever using  them for their intended purpose of holding a soft-boiled egg but I could […]

A Piano Niche and a Chalkboard Wall

A Piano Niche and a Chalkboard Wall

We recently got our piano out of storage and I spent some time decorating the piano niche.  This is what it looked like when I started:  My husband built the shelf specifically so that the dvd player could sit on it. (You can see the […]

Ring Bearer Pillows and Table Runners

Ring Bearer Pillows and Table Runners

We continue to whittle away at creating items for our (hopefully) soon to be launched wedding store. Sometimes progress is so painfully slow!  Yesterday I finished up these sweet little ring bearer pillows inspired by our table runners. We’re having fun playing around with new […]

Fall Touches at My House

Fall Touches at My House

It goes without saying that I enjoy decorating – making my home personal and comfortable for my family and friends.  But over the years I have moved away from “holiday” decorating and more toward “seasonal decorating”.  I’ve gotten rid of most of my accumulation of […]

Four Fall Favorites

Four Fall Favorites

There are so many things to love about fall!  I’m sure you have a list of your favorites as well.  It’s hard to narrow it down but here are four of my fall favorites for decorating and entertaining. 1. Book Page Pumpkins: I made this […]

Wheat Grass Centerpieces

Wheat Grass Centerpieces

Debra and I always grow these wheat grass centerpieces around Easter time. We think they’re adorable with the little bunny peeps nestled inside. But, they’re also great for a simple, more modern looking centerpiece for your home or for weddings.  They couldn’t be more cost-effective […]

Embellished Ikea frame for Mother’s Day

Embellished Ikea frame for Mother’s Day

After reviewing my May calendar, I realize that Mother’s Day is less than two weeks away!  May is always a crazy-end-of-school-wrap-up month for me so now’s my chance to start thinking about a thoughtful gift for mom. This month I get the opportunity to lead […]

Map Wreath

Map Wreath

I love to decorate with items that evoke memories and maps are a great way to commemorate a favorite location or special place.  With GPS now built right into our smart phones, paper maps seem to be becoming a thing of the past. Before throwing […]

Candy Cane Hearts

Candy Cane Hearts

Don’t throw out those Candy Canes just yet! Here’s an easy way to upcycle them for Valentine’s Day. Don’t have any? Head out now, where stores are selling boxes of Candy Canes for 75 – 90% off. They’re not expensive to start with so we’re […]

Book Page Pumpkins

Book Page Pumpkins

Instead of carving up pumpkins this year consider making this book page pumpkin out of an old book and bring it back year after year.  I like using vintage Reader’s Digest books because I know that they’re readily available at almost any thrift shop.  I’ve […]