A Very Special Makeover

We have been working on staging a very special house over the past 6 weeks.  The home was built in the 1960’s and is a combination European castle-chalet style dwelling.  It has amazing architectural details  – like stone walls, huge beamed ceilings and hand carved woodwork.   The house and surrounding property will soon be used for small group wellness retreats and we were called in to freshen things up.

Here’s the inspiration board we put together for our client:

In addition to great architecture, there were literally thousands of amazing books tucked away in an upstairs room.  Staying true to our “use what you already have” philosophy, the books were our inspiration for bringing a library feel to the entire house.  There simply is nothing better than books for creating character and depth in a home.    We’ve been sifting and sorting and lugging books to the first floor, selecting titles that we think would be of greatest interest to the guests.

We were also inspired by the beautiful woodland setting so we are using nature- inspired elements throughout for low-cost detail.

We’re coming down the home stretch now and will share before and after photos in the weeks ahead.  We call it Ralph Lauren meets Martha Stewart’s Maine home meets Pottery Barn!   Stay tuned …

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