My mom made this crocheted coverlet in the 70’s.
Over time, parts of it have started to disintegrate but I hated to throw it out – just too much sentimental value!
Rather than having it just sit in my closet, I decided to cut out the good parts and make decorative throw pillows. Using pillow forms that I already had around the house, I simply cut the crocheted coverlet to the size that I wanted, allowing for a 1/2 inch seam allowance. I layered the coverlet piece on top of another plain white piece of material and used a simple envelope closure for the back.
Using different colored fabrics under the coverlet would have resulted in a totally different look. I liked the versatility of the white and felt that it emphasized the texture of the material. I keep this one on my bed and love the contrast with the deep red pillows.
I enjoy using sentimental objects for decorating in my home. A few years ago, I upcycled an antique quilt that my great-grandmother had made. You can read all about that here.
Hope this inspires you to upcycle a family heirloom that may be buried deep within a closet.
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