Month: January 2016

The Organizing Continues – Pantry & Paints!

The Organizing Continues – Pantry & Paints!

I love the month of January. For me, it is a time to slow down after the busyness of the holidays. It’s usually peppered with a couple of snow days which adds to the take it easy, watch movies, stay in our pj’s all day […]

Homemade Irish Cream Recipe

Homemade Irish Cream Recipe

Each year at Christmastime we make a few batches of Irish cream – some for gift giving and some for us to enjoy on a wintry afternoon.  This past year, however, we simply ran out of time to make it.  But last week, when I […]

New Year’s Resolution:  Declutter and organize my workstation- check!

New Year’s Resolution: Declutter and organize my workstation- check!

Hi there and happy new year!  It seems everyone gets the organizing bug this time of year and I am no exception!  I have so many areas of my home to tackle but the one that has bothered me the most is my desk area. […]