Month: November 2014

Magnetic Chalkboards and the Hope Christmas Market

Magnetic Chalkboards and the Hope Christmas Market

The Hope Christmas Craft Market in Hope, New Jersey is just around the corner on Saturday and Sunday, December 6th and 7th.  This is our 6th year doing this show and we are excited about all the furniture pieces we have this year, along with […]

Gratitude list

Gratitude list

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” – Sara Ban Breathnach As I prepare myself for the crazy, busy season approaching, I’m pausing today to reflect on what […]

A Piano Niche and a Chalkboard Wall

A Piano Niche and a Chalkboard Wall

We recently got our piano out of storage and I spent some time decorating the piano niche.  This is what it looked like when I started:  My husband built the shelf specifically so that the dvd player could sit on it. (You can see the […]

Ring Bearer Pillows and Table Runners

Ring Bearer Pillows and Table Runners

We continue to whittle away at creating items for our (hopefully) soon to be launched wedding store. Sometimes progress is so painfully slow!  Yesterday I finished up these sweet little ring bearer pillows inspired by our table runners. We’re having fun playing around with new […]