Month: August 2014

Flower Bouquets

Flower Bouquets

A while ago, Debra and I were asked to come up with a craft that could be made by a group of women from our church to be given to local nursing home residents.  We came up with the idea for these fabric bouquets.  We […]

Awnings and Porch Valances

Awnings and Porch Valances

When we are working on the Jersey shore house, I love taking a short ride over to the Bayhead area where there are so many gorgeous homes on the beach and on the bay.   They often provide the inspiration for some of the ideas […]

Favorite Pancakes

Favorite Pancakes

I probably make these pancakes at least twice a week. It’s a recipe that my mom passed down to me and I’ve adapted over the years to meet the needs of my family.  We’ll eat them for breakfast, lunch, supper or snacks.  You know it’s […]